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Terms and Conditions


1. Introduction:

These terms and conditions govern the access to and use of (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), owned by RDB Worldwide A.G., located at Würzenbachstrasse 56, 6006 Lucerne, Switzerland, with Tax Identification Number CHE-321.035.951 (hereinafter referred to as "THE COMPANY"). Users of the Website are required to read and accept these terms to access all services and information provided on the Website.

For the purposes of these terms, both the user and THE COMPANY, as the owner of the Website, may be collectively referred to as the parties.

By accessing or using the Website, whether partially or fully, users signify their full acceptance of these terms. The use of the Website is subject to strict compliance with these terms and conditions.

2. General Terms and Conditions of Use:

These general conditions of use (hereinafter "General Conditions of Use") regulate access to and use of the Website, including the content and services made available to users either by THE COMPANY, its users, or any third party. However, access to specific content and services may be subject to additional conditions.

3. Modifications:

THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify these General Conditions of Use at any time. Users are encouraged to review them periodically, as changes may be made.

4. Services and Information:

Through the Website, users can access various types of information and services. THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify the presentation and configuration of the information and services offered on the Website at any time and without prior notice. Users acknowledge and accept that THE COMPANY may interrupt, deactivate, or cancel any information or service at its discretion. While THE COMPANY will make reasonable efforts to ensure the Website's availability and accessibility, interruptions may occur due to maintenance, updates, or other operational reasons.

5. Availability of Website Information and Services:

THE COMPANY does not guarantee continuous and permanent availability of services and is not liable for any damages resulting from service unavailability due to force majeure, data transfer network errors, or maintenance activities beyond its control.

In such cases, THE COMPANY will make reasonable efforts to restore services and notify users of any disruptions. THE COMPANY is not responsible for interruptions, suspensions, or terminations of information or services, nor for any loss of information, data, or confidentiality breaches caused by technical issues or third-party actions.

THE COMPANY reserves the right to deny, withdraw, suspend, or block access to information and services at any time and without prior notice for users who violate these terms.

6. Website Liability:

Except where explicitly required by law, THE COMPANY does not assume any liability for damages resulting from the use of the information, data, and services provided on the Website.

THE COMPANY is not responsible for damages resulting from information or services provided by third parties, with all liability resting on the third party, whether a supplier or collaborator.

7. User Obligations:

Users are expected to comply with these General Conditions of Use at all times. Users expressly declare that they will use the Website diligently and assume responsibility for any liability arising from non-compliance with these terms.

Users must not misrepresent their identity or impersonate others when providing information. The Website is to be used for personal, private, and lawful purposes only. Users are prohibited from engaging in activities that are illegal, immoral, or violate the rights of third parties.

Disseminating, storing, or managing data or content that infringes on third-party rights or intellectual property laws is prohibited. Users may not use the Website to transmit or distribute viruses or other harmful computer code.

Users agree to indemnify and hold THE COMPANY harmless from any damages, fines, or penalties resulting from the user's non-compliance with these obligations.

8. Personal Data:

Personal data provided by users will be treated in accordance with the Website's Privacy Policy.

9. Links to External Pages:

THE COMPANY does not guarantee or assume liability for damages resulting from access to third-party services via links or connections on the Website. The links provided are solely for informational purposes, directing users to additional sources of information. THE COMPANY is not responsible for the content, legality, or quality of services provided by third parties.

10. Intellectual and Industrial Property:

All content on the Website, including trademarks, logos, documentation, software, and other elements protected by intellectual or industrial property laws, belongs exclusively to THE COMPANY or its rightful owners. All rights are expressly reserved. The creation of hypertext links to any part of the Website without THE COMPANY's authorization is prohibited, except for sections that do not require user authentication.

THE COMPANY reserves all rights to its content, information, data, and services. No license or authorization is granted to users except as expressly detailed in these General Conditions of Use.

11. Applicable Law, Jurisdiction, and Notifications:

These General Conditions of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland. Any claims will be subject to the jurisdiction of Swiss courts. All notifications, requests, and communications to THE COMPANY must be made in writing and will be considered properly made when received at [email protected].